As if I know myself better than you

Saturday, May 21, 2011,7:11 PM
so how’s life

Right, how’s life? Exam coming soon so I can’t say I’m not busy. Instead I have some free time because it is hard to motivate myself to study when all assignments are done. Marks were pretty average, no matter how hard I try, I didn’t improve at all. I start to wonder if that’s because I’m not good at doing tests or I don’t understand what I’m studying. It feels like I’m loosing my goal—to become an accountant. Is that all I want to be, an accountant? I’m loosing sensitiveness on numbers, equations and theories are getting confusing. Many doubts arise, will I be well equipped once graduate, ready for future? There is no regrets in choosing accounting, it is my ability that is being questioned. Perhaps it is not about my ability, but laziness that causes the doubts.

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