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Friday, January 2, 2009,4:15 PM
About Sourmay
1. What is your best friends name? Eamon <3 2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now? I don't know, why would I care? 3. What are you listening to right now? (。・x・)つ 【愛言葉】を歌ってみた@うさ Usa just uploaded this song on twitter when I'm answering, good timing. :D 4. Whats your favorite number? 12, because it is dividable by 2, 3, 4 and 6, very confident number. 5. What was the last thing you ate? Udon with Fish slices. 6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? I reject to be a crayon. 7. How is the weather right now? Beautiful, but I stuck at home because of stupid assignments. 8. Who was the last person you talked 2 on the phone? I think it was Eamon. I almost never pick up phone calls. 9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Appearance, can't help doing so. :-P 10. Do you have a significant other? Way of talking, some people spam a lot. 11. Favorite TV show? Old Hong Kong Drama were awesome. I also like Monks, Without a Trace, Heroes and Prison Break. 12. Siblings? A sister, she is physically smaller, mentally elder. 13. Height? CAN'T YOU SEE ME TOWERING ABOVE YOU? 14. Hair color? Black, black is good. 15. Eye Color? Brown 16. Do you wear contacts? Sometimes, I wear one-day contacts because I don't wear them much. 17. Favorite Holiday? Chinese New Year ofcourse. 18. Month? January. ( Not May) 19. Have you ever cried for no reason? I do, lol. Girls are emotional. 20. What was the last movie you watched? Steven Chow... |||||orz|||||||| 21. Favorite Day of the Year? Eamon's birthday, lol. 22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Never! >:D 23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? I will be lying if I say I can. 24. Hugs or Kisses? *Hugs* 25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Strawberry please <3 26. Do you want your friends to respond to this? Any non-enemy parties may respond. 27. Who is most likely to respond? This is tricky, so I'm not answering, tee-hee. 28. Who is least likely to respond? Eamon. 29. What books are you reading? The Smartest guys in the room, story about Enron to fall. 30. Piercings? One on both ears. 31. Favorite movies? Too much to list, but I really like The Incredibles. Watched it about million times. 32. Favorite football Team? Does Tsubasa counts? 33. What were u doing before this? Sleeping 34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Butter! 37. Dogs or cats? Dogs :D 38. Favorite flower? Kapok, they grow outside my home. 39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? A lot, lol. 40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? Eamon! 41. Have you ever loved someone? I am loving everyone :D 42. Who would you like to see right now? My sister. 43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? Does cousin counts? 44. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes, in games :D 45. Do you like to travel by plane? I like the destinations better. 46. Right-handed or Left-handed? Left-handed. 47. How many pillows do you sleep with? I hope I can have more. <3 48. Are you missing someone? A whole range of friends and family. >< 49. Do you have a Tattoo? Not planning to have one. 50. Anybody on blogger that you'd go on a date with? If Eamon is secretly using blogger.
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so how’s life ★
happy easter ho-lu-day! ★
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Happy April Fool! ★
Mood changing new layout! ★
Goodbye 2010 ★
Heaps of travelling! ★
Exam finished, and...? ★
カバンの中バトン My BAG AND STUFF IN IT ★
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