As if I know myself better than you

Monday, June 7, 2010,1:04 AM
7 days before exam.

Actually there was very little progress, due to the coldness and laziness. Counting the number of days before exam should help at lease a little. Woke up late at 11am, so unproductively we arrived the library at 3pm, causing the day so horribly unproductive. Basically I am still editing my notes for exam in Business Law. The lack of motive might be the main cause, I think that the poor time organisation was more of a problem. As well spending the morning playing DS was a very bad idea. I will not be controlled by Nitendo, should learn that from most characters in Shounen mangas. By the way, when will FMA final episode releases? Rumors said it will be 150 pages, what a joke! But I do hope it to come true. :-)

Recently my friends has started a very warming act, "like" their statutes than they will write what they think that is good about you. One-click of "like" comes a cheerful message from dearest friend. I will do it later when time allows. I can take my whole day checking and writing. True friends are very warming people. :-)

Song for the day: 初音ミクAPPEND - ラセンナワタシ

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