As if I know myself better than you

Thursday, April 8, 2010,1:00 AM
Return from the laziness

So like... I was kind of reminded by Kyra about this blog that I haven't undated for ages. Come on, life is all about busy don't you think so? No, I don't, lol.

Okay, I had an excuse, I was busy moving home and getting settled until term break. I went IKEA for furniture, Clayton for cheat plastic household goods and Chadstone million times for more home stuff and... I didn't go to Dangerfield! You might say, well, you didn't need that much of time for settling in a new home. What about this, in addition, you have a roommate who loves WATCHING you tidy up the room and folding clothes. Enough joking, I am the fussy one who always complain about the environment being too unorganized, Eamon has nothing to do with this. By the way, he didn't know about this blog. >:D

Than lets talk about today. Two events clashes on the same day, Phe-chan's birthday and MCAC Anime Marathon. I made brownies for the very first time in my life, I kept asking people if they liked them, luckily they all do. <3 I loved Phe's panda speakers, and Kyra's little handbag... Oh yeah, I enrolled for MCAC committee too, gotta think of something to talk about, LIFE IS BUSY RIGHT?


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