As if I know myself better than you

Monday, December 14, 2009,9:29 PM
Broken Keyboard, YES!

Poor keyboard breaks again. AGAIN. Placing any items in liquid form near laptops will cause serious consequences.

Cons: I can't type well

Pros: I am going to get a new laptop :D As Christmas plus birthday gift, I think.

If it is only keyboard problem with a desktop, a replacement should not be costly. But, to a laptop, I realised that buying a total new one might be a better choice. Yes, I am controlled by unlimited human wants. A NEW NETBOOK YAY!
Netbooks are nicely priced, specially during Christmas sales. A latest Eee PC(1201N) is around HK$4500 (~AU$643) . Includes Intel Atom 1.6 GHz (Dual), 2GB ram, 250GB hard disk memory and Win 7... with NVIDIA ION LE!! So I can use it for playing games, watching BR and drawing and etc...
Almost better than a CULV, or some classic laptops.

But why don't I get a better desktop instead for games? /o\ That is another query.

Consider the fact that I had an Eee PC before, should I try another brand instead? Like Samsung(N510)?? more pricy with brilliant camera, 1.66GHz but 1GB ram? >.> NO, so expensiveeeeee!!!

Actually, I don't have an idea yet. :P

Just that last year I bought a really cheap one so it was reseted for once than the keyboards repaired for twice. I should treat myself better this time, shouldn't I?

However, is it reasonable to buy a netbook now with NVIDIA ION LE while the LCD screen may not support? Plus, the price went up a lot too... (looking up) Normally a netbook is around 3-4 thousand though... IF these netbooks is compatible with a classic notebook, I am happy to buy with this price (think of myself as buying a notebook), but what if it doesn't? D-:<

Oh someone please gimme a clue!!!!

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